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Algemeen Escort Agencies

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Dat is alleen bij het model Sofie zo. Van de rest zie je wel het lijf.
Ik zou nog even laten weten hoe mijn date met het mystery model was…

Ik heb gisteren een fantastisch leuke tijd gehad met het blonde mystery model van Vialet. Ze is ontzettend leuk. Wel echt een lange dame. Slank, blond, prachtig lijf en gezicht. Het is een semi-bekende Nederlander. Wat acteerrolletjes gehad en ze is een succesvolle influencer, zoals dat tegenwoordig heet. Ik heb daar weinig verstand eerlijk gezegd. Dat mocht de pret niet drukken want het is een heerlijke, mooie en leuke meid. Overigens niet beter dan de andere modellen van Vialet die wel op de website staan. Ik blijf bijvoorbeeld Judith, Evy, Jess, Katy en Pam beter vinden. Die zijn wel echt ongekend goed. Ik denk dat ik Jess, Judith en Evy de beste ooit vind. Jess heb ik pas recent 'ontdekt'. Wat een heerlijkheid is dat. Maar goed, even terug naar het mystery model. Die is ook absoluut de moeite waard. Je moet wel van lange meiden houden. Prachtig gezicht ook zeg. Leuke tijd gehad!
Erg leuk. Dankjewel. Ik ga Zoe appen! 😁
I am curious what everyone here thinks about escorts being late to bookings. I have experienced this with most agencies.

Usually ladies are on time, but they are late more often than one might expect. Sometimes it's 5-10 minutes, but I have also experienced delays of around 30 minutes.

In each case, the agency people have just shrugged it off with a brief apology. I don't think they would be as understanding as they expect their clients to be if, for example, the client took more of the escort's time than they paid for.

I think it would be nice if there was some understanding where the ladies would stay later so that you get the full booking duration that you paid for. When the hourly rates are so high, I think that treating a delay of even 10-15 minutes as if it's nothing shows a lack of respect for clients.
It only happened to me once that an escort was too late, which didn't influence the total amount of time of the date. I booked her for three hours and she stayed for three hours. I'm very surprised that some agencies start the clock before the escort arrived (because she is too late).
By the way, as an apology I got 15 minutes extra time (so the total amount of time of the date was 3 hours and 15 minutes). I appreciated the gesture.
It only happened to me once that an escort was too late, which didn't influence the total amount of time of the date. I booked her for three hours and she stayed for three hours. I'm very surprised that some agencies start the clock before the escort arrived (because she is too late).
By the way, as an apology I got 15 minutes extra time (so the total amount of time of the date was 3 hours and 15 minutes). I appreciated the gesture.

That is a nice way for them to handle the situation. I am glad to hear that it is possible to have more positive experiences than I have had.
I have had 20+ highclass escort hotel dates. On two occasions the lady arrived a few minutes late. Both times the agency informed me before the ETA passed and everytime the lady arrived earlier than the adjusted ETA. Everytime the agency confirmed that the nett date time would stay the same.

Maybe you had bad luck (traffic predictions van be tricky), maybe I have been lucky, but I did not experience any lesser service.
most of the times escorts are on time or the agency let me know about the delay which is limited most of the time.
Recently a lady was one hour too late due to a train accident which I could confirm at the NS website. I had the choice to cancel, shorten or continue full date.
If you have a date of 5 hours a few minutes at the and don't matter if you are already finishing the date. I also don't like being late and leaving too early then afterwards. There is only one option to make a first impression.
Dag allemaal,

Ik heb een tijdje terug in dit topic al eens gepost om een ontknapingsservice uit te proberen van een Escort Service. Echter ben ik nog totaal niet bekend in dit wereldje dus heb ik wat vragen aan de meer ervaren mensen hier.

Wat wordt er van mij verwacht op zo'n avond? Bijvoorbeeld, je ontvangt je date op een hotelkamer, en dan? Hoe delen de meeste hier de avond in met jullie date? Ik snap ook dat het niet meteen een platte neukpartij kan zijn maar ik ben nog onervaren in dit alles helaas...

Eventueel tips?
Vaak begin je met een drankje om elkaar te leren kennen. In principe wordt er van jou niks verwacht. De ontknapingsservice is er juist voor dat de dame de leiding neemt en jou begeleid. Zij zal dus ook de eerste stappen zetten richting intimiteit. Je hoeft zelf alleen te zorgen voor een hotelkamer en een drankje. Je zou ook eerst samen kunnen dineren als je een wat langere date wil.
Vaak begin je met een drankje om elkaar te leren kennen. In principe wordt er van jou niks verwacht. De ontknapingsservice is er juist voor dat de dame de leiding neemt en jou begeleid. Zij zal dus ook de eerste stappen zetten richting intimiteit. Je hoeft zelf alleen te zorgen voor een hotelkamer en een drankje. Je zou ook eerst samen kunnen dineren als je een wat langere date wil.
hotelkamer word ook uit je handen genomen.
I am curious what everyone here thinks about escorts being late to bookings. I have experienced this with most agencies.

Usually ladies are on time, but they are late more often than one might expect. Sometimes it's 5-10 minutes, but I have also experienced delays of around 30 minutes.

In each case, the agency people have just shrugged it off with a brief apology. I don't think they would be as understanding as they expect their clients to be if, for example, the client took more of the escort's time than they paid for.

I think it would be nice if there was some understanding where the ladies would stay later so that you get the full booking duration that you paid for. When the hourly rates are so high, I think that treating a delay of even 10-15 minutes as if it's nothing shows a lack of respect for clients.
Agree and extremely annoying. If traffic or train issues indeed no problem. But they should be on time. Time is money. Certainly in HC escort area 😅
Agree and extremely annoying. If traffic or train issues indeed no problem. But they should be on time. Time is money. Certainly in HC escort area 😅
Ik boek mijn escorts bij Khloe consultancy en ik heb 1x meegemaakt dat de dame in kwestie 5 minuten later zou komen. Meteen werd vermeld dat de date ook 5 minuten later zou eindigen. In alle andere gevallen werd ik door Kirsten op de hoogte gehouden tot: ze komt nu naar jouw deur.

Zo hoort het volgens mij ook. Overigens is te laat niet rampzalig maar communiceer dat tijdig. En het mag nooit van de klanttijd af gaan.
Bij D&D kwam de escort eens 10 minuten+ te laat. Geen punt van gemaakt toen want je wil de sfeer niet verpesten, maar vond wel jammer dat er niets van gezegd werd. Wanneer je de rekenmachine erbij pakt heb je 't toch over zon 50 euro. Wat ook wel weer bevestigd dat 't om een dure hobby gaat.
1x een dame gehad die niet is komen opdagen, en zo af en toe wat vertraging aan de kant van de dame meegemaakt. Meestal wel netjes door het bureau op de hoogte gehouden. Nu ben ik niet echt een klokkijker maar naar mijn gevoel gaat de klok altijd pas lopen als de dame is aangekomen.
Dag allemaal,

Ik heb een tijdje terug in dit topic al eens gepost om een ontknapingsservice uit te proberen van een Escort Service. Echter ben ik nog totaal niet bekend in dit wereldje dus heb ik wat vragen aan de meer ervaren mensen hier.

Wat wordt er van mij verwacht op zo'n avond? Bijvoorbeeld, je ontvangt je date op een hotelkamer, en dan? Hoe delen de meeste hier de avond in met jullie date? Ik snap ook dat het niet meteen een platte neukpartij kan zijn maar ik ben nog onervaren in dit alles helaas...

Eventueel tips?
Ik kies meestal voor een dinerdate, zo heb je wanneer je een dame voor het eerst ziet ook even de tijd om het ijs te breken. Maar een drankje in de bar kan natuurlijk ook. Zeker wanneer je een ontknaapservice boekt is de dame op de hoogte en zal zei zeker de leiding nemen. Een drankje op de hotelkamer kan ook, al vindt ik dat zelf vaak wat onhandiger, je weet niet wat de dame in kwestie graag wil hebben, dus dan is de bar handiger naar mijn mening.

Ik denk dat je voor moet aangeven dat je het allemaal spannend vindt, en dat het nieuw voor je is.
Voor de mensen die geïnteresseerd zijn in het nieuwe mystery model bij Vialet, hierbij mijn ervaring van gisteren:
Ik kon het niet laten dus heb direct het mystery model Kate geboekt. Ik had niet zo veel tijd dus het was slechts een dinnerdate van 5 uur. Voor mijn doen een korte date.
De reden dat ik direct laat weten hoe het was: Ze was fantastisch!! Beter nog dan het andere mystery model (Bo). Misschien wel de beste tot nu toe ooit. Qua looks, in bed, in het gesprek, alles. Ze is heel naturel dus daar moet je van houden. Intelligent, super sexy.
I do notice that often dates arrive 5-10 min late, but leave exactly on time. Even with the 6h dates I usually book
I don't feel like giving them a hard time about this, but still...

Yes, exactly. Would they be relaxed about clients keeping them 5 or 10 minutes late without paying extra? No way.

Given how strict they are about leaving exactly on time, they should show respect to the client and arrive on time (and adjust the ending time if they are late).

I have had 20+ high class escort hotel dates. On two occasions the lady arrived a few minutes late. Both times the agency informed me before the ETA passed and everytime the lady arrived earlier than the adjusted ETA. Everytime the agency confirmed that the nett date time would stay the same.

Maybe you had bad luck (traffic predictions from be tricky), maybe I have been lucky, but I did not experience any lesser service.

I am glad to hear that you have had better experiences. Agencies have always updated me when a lady is going to be late, so that has not been a problem. But in these circumstances, in my experience, the date time ends up getting shortened. The ladies still have had their alarms set for 15 minutes before the original ending time, and they have gone and showered etc. and left by the original ending time.

At D&D the escort once arrived 10 minutes+ late. Didn't make a big deal about it because you don't want to spoil the atmosphere, but I did think it was a shame that nothing was said about it. When you take the calculator you're talking about 50 euros. Which also confirms that it's an expensive hobby.

Yes, exactly. I have never said anything about it because I do not want to spoil the mood. But I am sure the ladies and agency would not act like it was no big deal if a client kept a lady beyond the ending time without paying for the extra time.

Agree and extremely annoying. If traffic or train issues indeed no problem. But they should be on time. Time is money. Certainly in HC escort area 😅

I am very understanding if someone gets late due to traffic, etc. But the duration of the date should remain the same. The client should get what they paid for.
Laatst bewerkt:
If the exact time the date is with you is important for you, when the agency texts or calls you the date will be later, it's a small text back to tell/ask them you assume the time lost will be added to the end of the date? This is not something to have happen to you at the end of the date I think, and if it still does happen and you don't want to tell your date at that time, just send it as feedback to the agency?

Although I do agree that the super strict timing can be a little annoying, it's not like you are paying the bare minimum for the provided service, and I think if the agencies understood how much loyalty they could build with the clients by not being precise on the minute for leaving. I do understand agreed time is agreed time, but why be so super strict? It just doesn't really fits the field of business which is 100% build on relationships.
Although I do agree that the super strict timing can be a little annoying, it's not like you are paying the bare minimum for the provided service, and I think if the agencies understood how much loyalty they could build with the clients by not being precise on the minute for leaving. I do understand agreed time is agreed time, but why be so super strict? It just doesn't really fits the field of business which is 100% build on relationships.
In the end it is a business relationship where each minute is money (similar to legal advisors). I agree that the paid time should be spend together and that you can give feedback afterwards to the agency, but often people are not open to receive feedback. It can end up in a discussion that damages the relationship at all.
To prevent abuse, it is simply better that everyone sticks to the agreements instead of pushing the boundaries or crossing them. It's not spontaneous, but that's why it's a business deal and not a date with a real girlfriend. Being late or leaving too early is possible once, but the second time it's done. Furthermore, I make sure that I keep an eye on the time myself so that the date ends spontaneously and smoothly all around, but before the end time.
If the lady doesn't accept the agreed time she probably doesn't like the job enough, doesn't respect my time & money spend or misses the click/real appeal. I am not going to spend time on this kind of people.
In the end it is a business relationship where each minute is money (similar to legal advisors). I agree that the paid time should be spent together and that you can give feedback afterwards to the agency, but often people are not open to receive feedback. It can end up in a discussion that damages the relationship at all.
To prevent abuse, it is simply better that everyone sticks to the agreements instead of pushing the boundaries or crossing them. It's not spontaneous, but that's why it's a business deal and not a date with a real girlfriend. Being late or leaving too early is possible once, but the second time it's done. Furthermore, I make sure that I keep an eye on the time myself so that the date ends spontaneously and smoothly all around, but before the end time.
If the lady doesn't accept the agreed time she probably doesn't like the job enough, doesn't respect my time & money spent or misses the click/real appeal. I am not going to spend time on this kind of people.

It is because of my desire to manage the business relationships with the lady and the agency that I have never brought up late starts (that result in shorter booking durations).

Bringing it up with the lady would just make the date awkward and unpleasant. I have hoped that in these situations the lady would take the initiative to make amendments for the late start by offering to end at a later time. Unfortunately, that has never happened.

If the lady doesn't offer to "make it right," then you have to deal with the shorter duration for that booking, but it is still possible to give feedback to the agency in the hope that they will alter their policy to appropriately handle such situations. I have never tried this. I think that some agencies would respond politely to such feedback (but without actually changing anything), and some agencies would respond in a combative and rude way (I am sure that everyone here can guess which agency in particular would do that).

The agencies of course know that the booking was shorter than what you paid for, and it would be right for them to take the initiative to make amendments. But in my experience, they haven't.

I think this is a situation where agencies take advantage of clients. They know that clients will be hesitant to bring it up because: 1) nobody wants to look petty, especially in the context of using what is characterized as a "luxury service" and 2) clients won't want to damage their relationship with the agency because each agency offers a unique product (certain ladies who, presumably, are only available through them).
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