Coincidence or not, only Vialet and Society Service provide the exact age. I used Jester's list of agencies earlier in this thread:
I compared the dates of both between now and October 2022. The age difference must be at least a year (tracking ages on the websites may be delayed by several months).
At Vialet there are five ladies who still work at Vialet and did so in October 2022: Savanna, Katy, Gwen, Jessica and Lisa. I was not able to find out the age of Savanna in October 2022. I was able to find out the age of the rest. Katy, Gwen, and Lisa turned one year older, Jessica turned two years older.
Society Service still employs 15 ladies. They have all grown older, except Esmee, who has remained 25 during that time. Three ladies have aged three years (Lauren, Julie and Lexy). This looks like a correction from the past (which is to be encouraged). The current age of Audrey and Lilly is not stated on the website.
I also relied on the photos to determine if it is the same lady and not just the name. It is bordering on certainty that the Charlie of 2022 is not the same Charlie of today at SS.
All in all, I am (very) positively surprised with the results. Of course, this does not mean that the ages are correct, but they appear to be well kept. Kudos to Vialet and SS!