Algemeen Katy Thai, Den Haag

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Hi everyone, does anyone have experience at Katy Thai in The Hague? How is the atmosphere and ladies compared to MTT? (Sorry, my Dutch is not enough yet, but you can answer in Dutch).
Laatst bewerkt:
Hi everyone, does anyone have experience at Katy Thai in The Hague? How is the atmosphere and ladies compared to MTT? (Sorry, my Dutch is not enough yet, but you can answer in Dutch).
Hi Chumchum,
Would love to give you my experience on Katy Thai, but unfortunately I cannot due to the fact that they stood me up so to say!
I once took a chance going there without appointment, and once with an appointment, unfortunately in both cases they didn't even bother to open the fricking door!
So no more Katy Thai for me…you better go to Mystique Thai Thai
I have a similar experience like @Sammeke659. Made an appointment on their website and on the day itself tried to call them while I was already on my way. First they did not pick up the phone, then I tried to call them another time and the woman on the phone tells me they are having a celebration with whole the team, so they are closed. They just told me to call them another day to make a new appointment. This made me decide that I will never try to go there again.
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