Dan wordt je wel ineens bang voor de Illuminati. Net waar je voorkeur naar uit gaat.
Inderdaad. De ene wil problemen vermijden, de andere loopt er liever blind in...
In tampons heeft bv asbest gezeten ooit (en misschien nog?), edm. Dit alleen al kan genoeg kwaads veroorzaken waar men dan de HPV sticker kan opkleven of alleszins de goedgelovigen tot vaccinatie kan aanzetten...
Elaine Hollingsworth (Take Control of Your Health): "One of the most important measures women can take to protect themselves from all reproductive illnesses is to shun tampons, unless they are guaranteed to be made of pure cotton. […] Why [do they contain] asbestos? Because it causes women to bleed more; therefore, More Blood = More Use = More Sales = More Profits for greedy companies. These extremely dangerous chemicals are easily absorbed, through the delicate mucosa of the vagina, into the bloodstream. Because dioxins are endocrine disruptors they can create many life-threatening health problems, and seriously upset the hormonal balance necessary for female health. 75 years ago, when these chemicals were not used, there were virtually no reported cases of endometriosis."
"Almost all sanitary napkins and tampons are made with bleached rayon, cotton and plastics, how safe do you think that material is to be inside or very close to your vagina? Not to mention these products leave behind fibers in your vagina that can cause bladder, vaginal infections, and Toxic Shock Syndrome. Tampons are also known to absorb the natural fluids and bacteria that the vagina produces to stay clean and healthy. Let's look at the #1 ingredient in generic tampons and sanitary napkins: Rayon. Rayon is a fiber that is made from cellulose fibers, cellulose is a natural fiber, but to produce Rayon chemical procedures are needed that include: carbon disulphide, sulfuric acid, chlorine and caustic soda. Side effects from exposure to too much Rayon can include: nausea, vomiting, chest pain, headaches and many others. Rayon is not just found in tampons and pads, but a lot of clothes are made from it as well. Sanitary napkins also contain quite a bit of plastic, which does not allow sufficient air flow 'down there' so in turn can also cause an array of infections. Tampons and pads are also bleached using chlorine, which results in the production of dioxin, which is linked to breast cancer, endometriosis, immune system suppression and various other ailments"
Tampons, sterile cotton, sanitary pads contaminated with glyphosate — study (2015) | "The result of this research is very serious, when you use cotton or gauze to heal wounds or for personal hygiene uses, thinking they are sterilized products, and the results show that they are contaminated with a probably carcinogenic substance," said Dr. Medardo Avila Vazquez. "Most of the cotton production in the country is GM cotton that is resistant to glyphosate. It is sprayed when the bud is open and the glyphosate is condensed and goes straight into the product."
Een spiraaltje (IUD) veroorzaakt opzettelijk een voortdurende ontsteking, naar ik hoor, en daarvan weten we dat dit ooit tot kanker kan leiden... Het zit ook meteen "op de goede plaats" ervoor

Enkel al het spiraaltje wegnemen kan totaal verkeerd beoordeelde symptomen genezen, zoals bvb Hepatitis C of zogezegde Lyme, heeft Dr Bigelsen gezien:
Dan nog te zwijgen over de oestrogeen schandalen...
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Vrouwen liggen best wel al lang extra onder vuur, lijkt het...