WHEM Ts Lily, Groningen

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Hey all,

Writing in English since I am not native Dutch.

I have been with this girl twice. Regarding her looks, I can confirm she looks amazing and the penis pictures are not photoshopped. It truly is that big. However, both of my encounters had a negative outcome.

The first time I met her, she claimed that she claimed that had no condoms left and that we could just do 69 etc. Mind you that I was quite drunk and didn't overthink this and just accepted it.

The second time we met, she told me that her ass was hurting too much for the size of dick (slightly above average but definitely not huge). This was also not communicated beforehand so again no sex was involved.

I know that it's my fault paying and simply accepting the fact that I didn't get what's expected but horniness and alcohol make me stupid :)
Hey all,

Writing in English since I am not native Dutch.

I have been with this girl twice. Regarding her looks, I can confirm she looks amazing and the penis pictures are not photoshopped. It truly is that big. However, both of my encounters had a negative outcome.

The first time I met her, she claimed that she claimed that had no condoms left and that we could just do 69 etc. Mind you that I was quite drunk and didn't overthink this and just accepted it.

The second time we met, she told me that her ass was hurting too much for the size of dick (slightly above average but definitely not huge). This was also not communicated beforehand so again no sex was involved.

I know that it's my fault paying and simply accepting the fact that I didn't get what's expected but horniness and alcohol make me stupid :)
Apart from not having fucked, how was the rest of the experience?
Riview over haar gevonden bij citygirls. Beloofd niets goed, beter vermijden.

Ik ben 3 weken geleden bij haar geweest in Groningen en voor mij was het een hele goede ervaring!

Ik ben iets meer dan 4 uren gebleven en ze is niet goedkoop qua prijs maar we hebben alles gedaan wat ik wou en nog meer zelfs!

Haar pik is zeker groot en was goed hard. Momenteel is ze in spanje.
Ik ben 3 weken geleden bij haar geweest in Groningen en voor mij was het een hele goede ervaring!

Ik ben iets meer dan 4 uren gebleven en ze is niet goedkoop qua prijs maar we hebben alles gedaan wat ik wou en nog meer zelfs!

Haar pik is zeker groot en was goed hard. Momenteel is ze in spanje.
Top dankje. Ik hoop dat ze goed haar best doet als je slechts voor een half uurtje komt

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